Afternoon Break - 2 Minute Self-Guided Meditation

yogahub 2-minute self-guided meditation

Meditation provides many benefits, from reducing negative emotions, increasing imagination and creativity, and increasing patience and tolerance.  Why not give yourself these benefits by trying a 2 minute self-guided meditation practice today?

Let’s get started….

Find a comfortable seated position, sit upright in your chair, place feet flat on a level surface so you have a 90 degree bend in your ankles and ankles are immediately below your knees.  Use books, blocks, or anything in your environment under your feet to create proper alignment.  Sit up tall, floating your shoulders above your hips, and ears above shoulders, leveling your chin with the ground with a slight tilt of your pelvis to open your lower back.  Rest your hands in your lap and slowly close your eyes.

Become aware of your breath, do not try to change or alter it, just notice it.  Notice the cadence, sound, and depth of your breath.  Hear its wavelike sound and feel the vibration in your throat as you breathe in and out. 

Try Box Breath:  Slowly inhale to the count of 4, pause at the top of the breath for a count of 4, exhale to a count of 4, and pause at the bottom for a count of 4.  Repeat this 4 times.

Alternately, you can try repeating a Mantra:  Repeat a mantra on the in and out breath, something like:

On Inhale:  I am breathing in happiness <insert your word here>

On Exhale:  I am breathing while you smile <insert your phrase here>

Repeat this 6 times.

Slowly open your eyes and acclimate to your space.  

NOTICE how you feel.  

Repeat anytime.

self-guided afternoon  meditation

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